Recipes and Tips for Healthier Living and Smarter Budgeting

Friday, November 23, 2012

Gratitude and Health

Many of my friends on Facebook have expressed gratitude each day in November for a variety of blessings. I have enjoyed seeing how they recognize the good things in their lives, even on those days that aren't ideal. What a good habit to gain! Now that Thanksgiving is over and we're setting our sights on Christmas, let us not forget the importance of gratitude in our lives, continuing year round.

To me it seems intuitive that grateful people are happier, and happier people have a higher quality of life. But now studies are showing that gratitude can actually improve physical health as well. I love this quote from one study, in particular: "Those who practice grateful thinking 'reap emotional, physical and interpersonal benefits.' People who regularly keep a gratitude journal report fewer illness symptoms, feel better about their lives as a whole, and are more optimistic about the future. ...Gratitude is a choice, one possible response to our life experiences." Isn't that wonderful?

The study lists 5 things each of us can do to increase our level of gratitude (and, therefore, of health). Please see the above link for further explanations on each of these items:

1- Keep a daily gratitude journal.
2- Use visual reminders (for example, post-it notes that remind you of your blessings).
3- Have a gratitude partner.
4- Make a public commitment.
5- Change your self-talk.

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