Recipes and Tips for Healthier Living and Smarter Budgeting

Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't Throw Those Leaves Away!

Here the "Garden Girl" gives three ideas for using your fallen leaves this autumn. As she puts it, having your leaves hauled away by the garbage truck is "energy misplaced." Why not use what Nature has provided (so often perceived as a nuisance) to help, protect, and feed your yard and plants? I think I'll add ours to the compost...

1 comment:

Brandi M said...

We will definately be using our leaves for compost. In fact, I asked my mother-in-law to save hers and we were thinking about asking the neighbors for theirs as well. We are hoping to plant a large garden next year (we shall see, as I just hurt my back again. Ever since that car accident in June, I just haven't recoverd enough to exert such energy!). Oh well, we'll still collect all the compost we can get in hopes for the best!


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